Nurturing Beginning EFL Teachers’ Sense of Plausibility in Teaching Through Formal Coursework: A Qualitative Case Study.
A mixed methods study on EFL undergraduates' perceptions and use of AI tools as supplementary resources in learning linguistics. In S. Chang (Ed.), New ideas, new challenges: Innovative perspectives on language and literature research.
The relationships between participation in intercultural activities on campus, whole-person development, and academic achievement: a mixed-methods study
Fostering EFL university students’ motivation and self-regulated learning in writing: A socio-constructivist approach
Fostering Critical Thinking and Critical Thinking Instruction in Language Teacher Education Classrooms: Insights from Teacher Educators
Probing curriculum coherence in pre-service teacher education: an exploratory study
Supervisory feedback, reflection, and academic discourse socialization: Insights from an L2 doctoral student's paper writing experience
Early-stage doctoral students’ conceptions of research in higher education: Cases from Hong Kong
Unpacking Language Teacher Educators’ Expertise: A Complexity Theory Perspective
TESOL teacher educators in higher education: A review of studies from 2010 to 2020