The escalating threat of human-associated infectious bacteria in surface aquatic resources: Insights into prevalence, an-tibiotic resistance, survival mechanisms, detection, and prevention strategies
Influence of Geothermal Fumaroles in Driving the Microbial Community Dynamics and Functions of Adjacent Ecosystems
Uncovering the microbial community struc-ture and physiological profiles of terrestrial mud volcanoes: a comprehensive meta-genomic insight towards their Trichloroethylene biodegradation potentiality
The molecular classification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clones in the livestock settings air, and their potential bioaerosol-based transmission risk to the ambient environment: A challenge to One-health approach
Evaluating groundwater ecosystem dynamics in response to post in-situ remediation of mixed chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs): An insight into microbial community resilience, adaptability, and metabolic functionality for sustainable remediation and ecosystem restoration
Niche-specific Modulation of Long-Chain n-Alkanes Degrading Bacterial Community and their Functionality in Forest Habitats
Deciphering microbial communi-ties and their unique metabolic repertoire across rock-soilplant continuum in the Day-oukeng fumarolic geothermal field of the Tatun volcano group
Specieslevel characterization of gut microbiota and their metabolic role in kidney stone formation using full-length 16S rRNA sequencing. Urolithiasis
An inclusive study to elucidation the heavy metals-derived ecological risk nexus with antibiotic resistome functional shape of niche microbial community and their carbon substrate utilization ability in serpentine soil
A review on the effects of discharging conventionally treated livestock waste to the environmental resistome