

Microbial induce carbonate precipitation derive bio-concrete formation: A sustainable solution for carbon sequestration and eco-friendly construction
Hussain A., Ali D., Koner S., Hseu Z.Y., Hsu B.M.
Environmental Research
2025, 270
Molecular mechanisms and biomineralization processes of ferromanganese nodule formation: Insights its effect on nutrient imbalance and heavy metal immobilization in native soil profiles
Ali D., Koner S., Hussain A., Hsu B.M.
Earth-Science Reviews
2025, 261
Root-associated functional microbiome endemism facilitates heavy metal resilience and nutrient poor adaptation in native plants under serpentine driven edaphic challenges
Asif A., Koner S., Hussain B., Hsu B.M.
Journal of Environmental Management
2025, 373
Correction to: Species-level characterization of gut microbiota and their metabolic role in kidney stone formation using full-length 16S rRNA sequencing (Urolithiasis, (2024), 52, 1, (115), 10.1007/s00240-024-01610-2)
Hussain B., Wu C.C., Tsai H.C., Chen J.S., Asif A., Cheng M.C., Jou Y.C., Hsu B.M.
2024, 52 (1)
Species-level characterization of gut microbiota and their metabolic role in kidney stone formation using full-length 16S rRNA sequencing
Hussain B., Wu C.C., Tsai H.C., Chen J.S., Asif A., Cheng M.C., Jou Y., Hsu B.M.
2024, 52 (1)
Uncovering the microbial community structure and physiological profiles of terrestrial mud volcanoes: A comprehensive metagenomic insight towards their trichloroethylene biodegradation potentiality
Asif A., Koner S., Chen J.S., Hussain A., Huang S.W., Hussain B., Hsu B.M.
Environmental Research
2024, 258
An inclusive study to elucidation the heavy metals-derived ecological risk nexus with antibiotic resistome functional shape of niche microbial community and their carbon substrate utilization ability in serpentine soil
Koner S., Chen J.S., Hseu Z.Y., Chang E.H., Chen K.Y., Asif A., Hsu B.M.
Journal of Environmental Management
2024, 366
Influence of Geothermal Fumaroles in Driving the Microbial Community Dynamics and Functions of Adjacent Ecosystems
Asif A., Chen J.S., Hsu G.J., Hussain B., Nagarajan V., Koner S., Huang S.W., Hsu B.M.
Journal of Basic Microbiology
2024, 64 (8)
The escalating threat of human-associated infectious bacteria in surface aquatic resources: Insights into prevalence, antibiotic resistance, survival mechanisms, detection, and prevention strategies
Asif A., Chen J.S., Hussain B., Hsu G.J., Rathod J., Huang S.W., Wu C.C., Hsu B.M.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
2024, 265
The molecular classification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clones in the livestock settings air, and their potential bioaerosol-based transmission risk to the ambient environment: A challenge to One-health approach
Tsai H.C., Hsu B.M., Koner S., Chen J.S., Hsu G.J., Rathod J., Kenneth M.J.
Journal of Aerosol Science
2024, 179
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The escalating threat of human-associated infectious bacteria in surface aquatic resources: Insights into prevalence, an-tibiotic resistance, survival mechanisms, detection, and prevention strategies

Aslia Asif, Jung-Sheng Chen, Bashir Hussain, Gwo-Jong Hsu, Jagat Rathod, Shih-Wei Huang, Chin-Chia Wu, and Bing-Mu Hsu*
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
2024 年 6 月
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Influence of Geothermal Fumaroles in Driving the Microbial Community Dynamics and Functions of Adjacent Ecosystems

Aslia Asif, Jung-Sheng Chen, Gwo-Jong Hsu, Bashir Hussain, Viji Nagarajan, Su-prokash Koner, Shih-Wei Huang, and Bing-Mu Hsu*
Journal of Basic Microbiology
2024 年 6 月
Journal of Basic Microbiology

Uncovering the microbial community struc-ture and physiological profiles of terrestrial mud volcanoes: a comprehensive meta-genomic insight towards their Trichloroethylene biodegradation potentiality

Aslia Asif, Suprokash Koner, Jung-Sheng Chen, Ashiq Hussain, Shih-Wei Huang, Bashir Hussain, Bing-Mu Hsu*
Environmental Research
2024 年 6 月
Environmental Research

The molecular classification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clones in the livestock settings air, and their potential bioaerosol-based transmission risk to the ambient environment: A challenge to One-health approach

Hsin-Chi Tsai, Bing-Mu Hsu*, Suprokash Koner, Jung-Sheng Chen, Gwo-Jong Hsu, Jagat Rathod, and Mutebi John Kenneth
Journal of Aerosol Science
2024 年 4 月
Journal of Aerosol Science

Evaluating groundwater ecosystem dynamics in response to post in-situ remediation of mixed chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs): An insight into microbial community resilience, adaptability, and metabolic functionality for sustainable remediation and ecosystem restoration

Shih-Wei Huang, Bashir Hussain, Jung-Sheng Chen, Aslia Asif, and Bing-Mu Hsu*
Science of The Total Environment
2024 年 4 月
Science of The Total Environment

Niche-specific Modulation of Long-Chain n-Alkanes Degrading Bacterial Community and their Functionality in Forest Habitats

Bashir Hussain, Jung-Sheng Chen, Bing-Mu Hsu*, Wei-Chun Chao, and Cheng-Wei Fan*
Applied Soil Ecology
2024 年 3 月
Applied Soil Ecology

Deciphering microbial communi-ties and their unique metabolic repertoire across rock-soilplant continuum in the Day-oukeng fumarolic geothermal field of the Tatun volcano group

Jung-Sheng Chen, Bashir Hussain, Hsin-Chi Tsai, Viji Nagarajan, Rajendran Senthil Kumar, I-Ching Lin, and Bing-Mu Hsu*
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
2024 年 1 月
Environmental Science and Pollution Research

Specieslevel characterization of gut microbiota and their metabolic role in kidney stone formation using full-length 16S rRNA sequencing. Urolithiasis

Bashir Hussain, Chin-Chia Wu, Hsin-Chi Tsai, Jung-Sheng Chen*, Aslia Asif, Ming-Chin Cheng, Yeong-Chin Jou, and Bing-Mu Hsu*
2024 年 8 月

 An inclusive study to elucidation the heavy metals-derived ecological risk nexus with antibiotic resistome functional shape of niche microbial community and their carbon substrate utilization ability in serpentine soil

Suprokash Koner, Jung-Sheng Chen, Zeng-Yei Hseu, Ed-Haun Chang, KuangYing Chen, Aslia Asif, and Bing-Mu Hsu*
Journal of Environmental Management
2024 年 8 月
Journal of Environmental Management

A review on the effects of discharging conventionally treated livestock waste to the environmental resistome

Mutebi John Kenneth, Suprokash Koner, Gwo-Jong Hsu, Jung-Sheng Chen, and Bing-Mu Hsu* (2023, Dec). A review on the effects of discharging conventionally treated livestock waste to the environmental resistome. , 338, 122643. (IF: 7.6)
Environmental Pollution
2023 年 12 月
Environmental Pollution
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